The attention of students, parents and guardians is called to the following ‘General Standards statement’ adopted by the Board of Governors to which students must adhere and the Principal will insist upon. This should be read in conjunction with School Rules.

“Politeness, courtesy of speech and conduct as well as cleanliness of person and dress will be insisted upon. Students should realize that they are responsible to the school authorities not only for their conduct in the school but also for their general behavior outside. Any reported or observed objectionable conduct out of school on the part of students would make them liable to disciplinary action.

A pupil who fails consistently in the same standard may be asked to leave the school. Any student who is persistently insubordinate or is willfully mischievous of is guilty of malpractice in connection with examinations or has committed a serious act of indiscipline and /or misbehavior or, who in the opinion of the Principal,has an unwholesome influence on his/her fellow students will be asked to leave the School.”

School rules apply not only in the school campus but also students are travelling to all Students are expected to read and learn the School Rules.

Common Sense Rule :

The most important rule is that every student should be thoughtful and considerate of others and use his/her common sense. In general, students must observe all School Rules as they apply to the safety and well-being students.


Every student should take full advantage of the educational opportunities available at the school. An important part of student’s education is learning to make correct decisions and to accept responsibility for his/her behavior. To protect student’s rights and the rights of others, student’s behavior guidelines have been established.

If a student comes to school with a positive attitude to learn and to take part in school activities, she/he will not have problems with these school rules governing student’s behavior.

Students, parents and school share the responsibility for creating the best possible school setting. The school provides a quality staff and program to help student succeed in a complex world. Parents must be supportive of the student, and guide him/her in making good judgments. A student must respect himself, his classmates, the school staff and all school property. The school believes in self-discipline. However, the school operates on a zero tolerance policy for the following:

  1. Possession, consumption, supply or use of illicit drugs tobacco, alcohol, narcotic substances, tranquilizers,
  2. Possession of antisocial, dangerous and disruptive articles such as knives, catapults, guns, fire arms, crackers, any other sharp objects,
  3. Antisocial behavior & acts such as theft and
  4. Bullying and harassment of any kind.
  5. Sexual Harassment and overt display of affection between students & staff
  6. Malpractice in the examination process.
  7. If any student is persistently insubordinate or is willfully mischievous or is guilty of malpractice in connection with examinations or has committed a serious act of indiscipline and misbehavior or who in the opinion of the Principal has any unwholesome influence on his / fellow students, may be suspended or expelled.
  8. Students must treat school property with respect and any damage to it must be brought to the notice of the school authorities. Students guilty of willful damage will be punished and charged for any necessary repairs/replacements.
  • Some forms of bullying and harassment may constitute criminal offences.
  • It is the responsibility of every student to inform the school authorities should they see others violating this policy.
  • The school will offer appropriate advice on conflict resolution and counseling wherever necessary.
  • All students are expected to contribute to a positive l earning atmosphere in the class by co-operation with the teacher, getting work done on time, contributing to he discussions, asking relevant, meaningful & inquisitive questions and avoid distractions.
  • The school reserves the right to discipline students who breach this Zero Tolerance Policy or indeed any student whose behavior is unsatisfactory, Discipline may include detention, suspension or expulsion