Information, Communication & Technological Devices

  1. Any gadget,mobile, audio-visual & Computing devices whether analogue or digital are strictly prohibited.
  2. Emergency calls can be made to the reception, or assistance may be sought from the relevant class teacher.
  3. No student is permitted to take selective photographs of another student, or sound record or video another student.
  4. Mobile and Video games are strictly not permitted at school.
  5. If students breach these guidelines, they will forego the use of the said gadgets as well as mobile equipment for on a permanent It will NOT be returned to the student or parents and will be donated to an NGO.
  6. Use of personal computing devices is strictly prohibited. The school allows students to access the electronic networks like internet only for educational purposes. There are strict policies governing its use. Necessary disciplinary action may be taken against any student accessing material that is not No violations should be made with respect to privacy, confidentiality or intellectual property of the school or any other user.