Mrs Annakutty



Teaching today’ s students as we did yesterday robs them of tomorrow,” John Dewey famously  said,  this emphasizes the need for a transformative approach in education. The New Education Policy (NEP) guides us in implementing necessary changes.

Galaxy High School is enthralled to facilitate our   young learners   through   experiential learning, instilling 21st Century Skills, aiming for “Building Better Citizens”.

By enriching the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor levels of learning through improved pedagogical methods and art-integrated plans, we’re committed to lead our students towards global citizenship, at par with peers in developed nations.

Dear Parents, we invite you to join us in this mission, partnering in your child’s holistic development and journey towards becoming a meaningful contributor to society. Let’s nurture their thirst for wisdom, expand their life’s possibilities with values, and equip them to independently navigate their path to success.